The much-anticipated Holiday Letter!
Ok, everyone...I finally carved out some time to type up some reflective thoughts on this past year. This holiday season has been like every single one for the past 10 years. It starts out fun and "doable", with parties and shopping and cards, then the closer we get to the big day, the more I stress out! You'd think I'd learn by now to either start earlier, or cut back. =)
So...2007. What a year it's been! The first few months of the year were the calm before the storm.
In March, Brent's parents came out for a 10-day visit that ended with 80% of us sick with the stomach flu. =) We still managed to have a good time, though, and even got away for a beautiful day across the water.
Ian turned 5 in April. We celebrated with a fun sleepover with the cousins.
In June, Sylas broke his arm - just in time for summer swimming - yeah! Also in June, Brent & I got away for some great R&R to the Acts 29 pastor's retreat in Sonoma.
Sylas turned 4 on July 1. We had a park party with, oh, about 20 of his friends. =) Popular dude!
Then, Brent's parents were here for the week of July 4th. Dan hosted a huge party, complete with a semi-professional, amazing-that-someone-didn't-get-their-arm-blown-off fireworks show.
The last 2 weeks of July, we had an amazing family vacation down the Oregon coast, and northern California. Yes, Sylas was still wearing his cast, which was wet within 5 minutes of arriving at the ocean.
In September, our lives changed forever with the arrival of kindergarten! Ian absolutely loves school. Sylas started preschool the same week. He goes to his Aunt Cathy's house with his cousin Aidan and 3 other boys from church 3 days a week. We're just so pleased with how much he is learning! And, of course, he has a blast.
Oops, I almost forgot - Alexandra turned 1 August 30, and started walking the same day. She is quite the cruiser, and recently has been scaring us with her climbing!
Oh, and somewhere in there we got pregnant again. Not sure how that happened. =) We will be having the 4th (and FINAL) Rood in May. We have so much to praise God for in 2007. He has provided for us, kept us healthy and safe, and has blessed us tremendously with the best family and friends in the world. We love you all!