Rood Family Updates

Location: Lynnwood, Washington, United States

I am many things. A woman, a wife, a mom, a teacher, a student, a traveler, an artist. But, I figured something out a long time ago. The Identity into which I fit all other identities is Child of God, or Christian. It is the only identity which truly defines me. It is the only identity of mine that will never change, despite the seasons of my life.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Sorry everyone!

Alexandra Blythe

Easter - this is probably what all of our Easter pics will be like - hurry up kids (on our way out the door to church), smile fast and run!

Ian had to go to the ER for re-hydration during that yucky stomach flu in March. He was a real trooper with the IV. (he apparantly is "not afraid of anything" anymore)

Ian's 5-year birthday. We had a sleepover with the cousins. Great fun!

Ok, so I'm not the greatest about updating this blog. Ha! I've trained all of you to stop checking it! So, the last time I posted was January. It's now May. Ian turned 5 in April, the baby is now 8 months old, and Sylas will be 4 soon. Time just keeps chugging on, doesn't it?

Brent's parents came out for an unexpected 2-week visit at the end of February. It was great, despite our getting the stomach flu their last few days here.

Church is going great. We just hired a part-time pastoral assistant (one of our elders, Greg Daley). He is doing an amazing job pumping life into existing ministries, and re-arranging others. There's a lot of awesome stuff going on at Seed.

Spring is slowly making it's arrival in the northwest. We've had more sunshine lately, but I'm really ready for short-sleeve weather. That won't be here (at least not for more than a day at a time) until July. But, summers here make it worth living here the rest of the year. Come visit us, and we'll show ya! =)