Sorry everyone!
Easter - this is probably what all of our Easter pics will be like - hurry up kids (on our way out the door to church), smile fast and run!
Ian had to go to the ER for re-hydration during that yucky stomach flu in March. He was a real trooper with the IV. (he apparantly is "not afraid of anything" anymore)
Ian's 5-year birthday. We had a sleepover with the cousins. Great fun!
Brent's parents came out for an unexpected 2-week visit at the end of February. It was great, despite our getting the stomach flu their last few days here.
Church is going great. We just hired a part-time pastoral assistant (one of our elders, Greg Daley). He is doing an amazing job pumping life into existing ministries, and re-arranging others. There's a lot of awesome stuff going on at Seed.
Spring is slowly making it's arrival in the northwest. We've had more sunshine lately, but I'm really ready for short-sleeve weather. That won't be here (at least not for more than a day at a time) until July. But, summers here make it worth living here the rest of the year. Come visit us, and we'll show ya! =)